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Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust is committed to high quality supportive, coordinated, individualised care for patients and those important to them, at the end of life.
Our hospital Palliative Care team is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide holistic care, advice and support across the Trust. The team take an individual approach to care, offering help in managing complex symptoms and providing psychological, social and spiritual support.
The End of Life Care Fund supports the SUPPORT Project which aims to raise the profile of end of life care support across the Trust and recognises that all staff, whatever their role, are able to offer simple, practical things with kindness and compassion at the most distressing of times.
As part of the SUPPORT project the fund also allows the team and colleagues across the Trust to work on innovative projects that further enrich the care they can offer to patients, their families and loved-ones.
Projects include:
- the Peony Room; a quiet and safe place where the families and loved-ones of patients who are nearing the end of their lives can take a break from the ward environment, have some refreshments, rest and reflect.
- Carer’s packs; for relatives and loved-ones offering a small selection of overnight toiletries with the aim to make overnight stays a little easier.
We believe that palliative and end of life care is important, and we welcome any support with our projects that can further support and enhance the care we provide.
Thank you for your support.
The End of Life Care Fund is part of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Charity and aims to enhance the care given to patients receiving palliative and end of life care in our hospitals, their families and loved-ones.
With thanks to Marketing + Technologies Group for kindly gifting this video
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Charity is a charity registered in England and Wales no. 1054612
Registered Office: Worcestershire Royal Hospital, 3 Kings Court, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester WR5 1DD
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